The Lenstra Elliptic Curve Method of Factorization

by on under research
11 minute read

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This month, I wanted to chill on writing about CTF’s, so instead I decided to look into a tool I often use during CTF contest, mainly for crypto challenges. The tool is the integer factorization calculator by Dario Alpern. This integer factorization calculator uses two different methods for factorization, the first being the Elliptic Curve Method (ECM), and the Self Initializing Quadratic Sieve (SIQS).

I decided to dig into the ECM algorithm, and in this post I also have python code that works, although not really pretty or fast.

How does it work?

The algorithm isn’t that hard, so I’m just gonna quote Wikipedia as that is where I learnt this algorithm.

Part 1: Elliptic curve

The First thing we need to do is to create a random elliptic curve. What’s an elliptic curve? Elliptic curves are curves that satisfy the following equation:

y**2 = x**3 + a*x + b

With a and b being real numbers. Although they may sound the same, elliptic curves have little to no relationship to ellipses (AFAIK).

According to wikipedia, we can do this by first choosing a random point (x0, y0) and a random number for the ‘a’ constant. The ‘b’ constant is then calculated:

b = y**2 - x**3 - a*x

This allows us to create a elliptic curve and have a point that is definitely on the curve.

For this algorithm to work, we actually need an elliptic curve of a finite field. You can read about finite fields here. More precisely, let’s say we wanted to find the factors of an integer N. That means our finite field is that of Galois field N (GF(N)). This means our elliptic curve becomes the form:

y**2 ≡ x**3 + a*x + b (mod N)

Part 2: Elliptic curve point addition

A major part in this algorithm is the use of point addition. Smart people have already thought about this, and they have already defined how exactly the point addition takes place. Let’s say we have 2 points on our elliptic curve P (xP, yP) and Q (xQ, yQ) and the expected result is point R (xR, yR). To calculate P + Q = R, we first need to calculate a coefficient λ. According to this wikipedia page, there are two posibilities, either P and Q are different points or they are the same. If they are different points, λ is calculated as follows:

λ = (yQ - yP) / (xQ - xP)

This is for elliptic curve that are not on a finite field. If on a finite field, λ is calculated as follows:

λ ≡ (yQ - yP) * inverse_modulo(xQ - xP, N) (mod N)

The reason being on how the division operation is done on a finite field. If they are the same point, λ is calculated as follows:

λ = (3*xP**2 + a) / yP

For a finite field:

λ ≡ (3*xP**2 + a) * inverse_modulo(yP, N) (mod N)

After calculating lambda, xR and yR are calculated as follows:

xR = λ**2 - xP - xQ ; yR = λ(xP-xR) - yP

Part 3: Elliptic curve multiplication by scalar

For multiplication by a scalar, we can do point addition and doubling to get an efficient O(log k) multiplication, for some scalar k. This trick is similar to fast exponentiation method, so I wont explain how it works

Part 4: The ECM part

Now that we have an elliptic curve, some random valid point P and point addition defined correctly, we need to calculate (B!)*P, with a not too large B. (B!)*P can be calculated efficiently by first calculating 2*P, then 3*(2*P), then 4*(3*(2*P)), and so on. During this process, one of two things will happen:

  • A non-invertable point is found during point addition, which means gcd(v, n) != 1 for some v. In this case gcd(v, n) could be n, in which we need to start over again, but of it isn’t we just found a valid factor.
  • No non-invertable points are found, so we need to start over with a new random curve.

That’s pretty much it. It’s pretty simple, so below is code in python. In there is a semiprime that consists of 2 64-bit primes. My code took around a minute to break it.



import random
import sys
import time
import math

from Crypto.Util.number import isPrime

class EllipticCurveFiniteField:
    def __init__(self, x0, y0, a, n):
        self.a = a
        self.b = y0**2 - x0**3 - a*x0
        self.n = n
        self.O = "Origin"
    def isValidPoint(self, x, y) -> bool:
        return (y**2 % self.n) == (x**3 + self.a*x + self.b) % self.n
    def __eq__(self, other):
        return self.a == other.a and self.b == other.b and self.n == other.n
    def __str__(self):
        return f'y**2 = x**3 + {self.a}*x + {self.b} (mod {self.n})'

class EllipticCurvePoint:

    def __init__(self, curve, x, y):
        self.curve = curve
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        assert curve.isValidPoint(x, y), "Point is not on curve"
    def __eq__(self, other):
        return self.curve == other.curve and self.x == other.x and self.y == other.y

    def __add__(self, other):
        assert self.curve == other.curve
        # Assume self and other is P and Q, result is R
        # Algorithm:
        if(self == other):
            divisor = inverse_mod(2*self.y, self.curve.n)
            s = (3*self.x**2 + self.curve.a) * divisor % self.curve.n
            divisor = inverse_mod(self.x - other.x, self.curve.n)
            s = (self.y - other.y) * divisor % self.curve.n
        xR = (s**2 - self.x - other.x) % self.curve.n
        yR = (s*(self.x- xR) - self.y) % self.curve.n
        return EllipticCurvePoint(self.curve, xR, yR)

    def __mul__(self, k):
        assert k >= 0
        if(k == 0):
            return self.curve.origin
        base = EllipticCurvePoint(self.curve, self.x, self.y)
        res = EllipticCurvePoint(self.curve, self.x, self.y)
        while(not k & 1):
            res += res
            base += base
            k >>= 1
        k >>= 1
        base = base + base
        while(k > 0):
            if(k & 1):
                res += base
            base += base
            k >>= 1
        return res

    def __rmul__(self, k):
        return self.__mul__(k)

    def __str__(self):
        return f"({self.x}, {self.y}) on curve {self.curve}"

def gcd(a, b):
    '''Get GCD of a and b'''
    if(b == 0):
        return a
    return gcd(b, a % b)

def egcd(a, b):
    if(b == 0):
        return a, 1, 0
    temp_gcd, temp_x, temp_y = egcd(b, a % b)

    y = temp_x - (a // b)*temp_y
    x = temp_y

    return temp_gcd, x, y

def inverse_mod(a, n):
    '''Get Multiplicative modular inverse of a mod n'''
    if gcd(a, n) != 1:
        raise NoModularInverse(gcd(a, n))

    _gcd, x, _y = egcd(a, n)

    return x % n

def generate_random_point_and_curve(n):
    a = random.randint(1, n)
    x0 = random.randint(1, n)
    y0 = random.randint(1, n)
    curve = EllipticCurveFiniteField(x0, y0, a, n)
    point = EllipticCurvePoint(curve, x0, y0)
    return point, curve

class NoModularInverse(Exception):

to_factor = 142207032646172885627320863923329208329
cnt = 1
curve_count = 1
factor_list = []
B = 2000
start_time = time.time()
while True:
    point, curve = generate_random_point_and_curve(to_factor)
    print(f"curve count: {curve_count}")
    curve_count += 1
    for i in range(1, B+1):
            point = i * point
        except NoModularInverse as e:
            factor = int(str(e))
            if(gcd(factor, to_factor) != to_factor):
                print(f"Factor {cnt}: {factor}")
                cnt += 1
                to_factor //= int(str(e))
print(f"Last Factor: {to_factor}")

print(f"All Factors: {factor_list}")
print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time))


Bulan ini aku mau santai, gak nulis tentang CTF. Jadi daripada writeup aku pengen teliti lebih dalam salah satu alat yang sering aku gunakan pada CTF, khususnya untuk soal crypto. Alatnya adalah kalkulator faktorisasi integer oleh Dario Alpern. Kalkulator ini menggunakan dua metode yang berbeda untuk melakukan faktorisasi, yang pertama adalah Metode Elliptic Curve (ECM), dan yang kedua adalah Kuadratik Sieve (SIQS).

Aku milih algoritma ECM untuk diteliti, dan pada postingan ini aku juga punya kodingan python yang dapat digunakan, tapi mungkin gak begitu cepat maupun rapi.

Gimana cara kerjanya?

Algoritmanya sendiri tidak begitu sulit, jadi aku kutip aja Wikipedia sebagai sumber aku.

Bagian 1: Elliptic curve

Yang pertama yang mesti kita lakukan adalah membuat suatu elliptic curve yang random. Apa itu elliptic curve? Elliptic cure merupakan kurva yang memenuhi persamaan berikut:

y**2 = x**3 + a*x + b

Dengan a dan b bilangan riil. Walaupun terdengar mirip, elliptic curve tidak memiliki hubungan yang kuat dengan ellips (AFAIK).

Menurut wikipedia, kita dapat malakukan ini dengan pertama memilih titik acak (x0, y0) dan angka acak untuk konstanta ‘a’. Setelah itu konstanta ‘b’ dihitung dengan cara berikut:

b = y**2 - x**3 - a*x

Cara ini merupakan cara yang mudah untuk mendapatkan elliptic curve dan memastikan sudah ada titik yang berada padanya.

Agar algoritma ini berhasil, kita sebenarnya memerlukan elliptic curve dalam suatu finite field. Anda dapat membaca lebih lanjut tentang finite field disini. Lebih tepatnya, asumsikan kita ingin mencari faktor dari suatu bilangan bulat N. Berarti finite field yang kita ingin gunakan merupakan Galois field N (GF(N)). Berarti elliptic curve kita berubah jadi berikut:

y**2 ≡ x**3 + a*x + b (mod N)

Bagian 2: Penjumlahan titik pada elliptic curve

Salah satu bagian terbesar dari algoritma ini adalah penggunaaan penjumlahan dua titik. Orang jago sudah memikirkan tentang ini, dan mereka sudah mendefinisikan secara tepat cara melakukan penjumlahan dua titik pada elliptic curve. Katakan kita punya 2 titik pada elliptic curve kita, P (xP, yP) dan Q (xQ, yQ) serta hasil yang diinginkan merupakan titik R (xR, yR). Untuk menghitung P + Q = R, terlebih dahulu kita perlu menghitung suatu koeffisien λ. Menurut sumber ini, terdapat 2 kemungkinan, antara P dan Q merupakan titik yang berbeda atau merupakan titik yang sama. Jika mereka titik yang berbeda, λ dihitung dengan cara berikut:

λ = (yQ - yP) / (xQ - xP)

Itu untuk elliptic curve yang bukan berada pada finite field. Jika pada finite field, λ dihitung dengan cara berikut:

λ ≡ (yQ - yP) * inverse_modulo(xQ - xP, N) (mod N)

Hal ini disebabkan cara operasi pembagian dilakukan pada finite field. Jika P dan Q merupakan titik yang sama, λ dihitung dengan cara berikut:

λ = (3*xP**2 + a) / yP

Dan untuk finite field:

λ ≡ (3*xP**2 + a) * inverse_modulo(yP, N) (mod N)

Setelah menghitung lambda, xR dan yR dihitung dengan cara berikut:

xR = λ**2 - xP - xQ ; yR = λ(xP-xR) - yP

Bagian 3: Perkalian skalar pada elliptic curve

Untuk perkalian dengan skalar, kita dapat melakukan penjumlahan titik dan penggandaan untuk mendapatkan perkalian yang O(log k) yang efisien, untuk suatu skalar k. Metode ini mirip dengan metode pemangkatan cepat, jadi saya tidak akan menjelaskan cara kerjanya.

Bagian 4: Bagian ECM

Karena kita sudah memiliki suatu elliptic curve, suatu titik acak P dan sudah mendefinisikan penjumlahan dua titik, kita perlu menghitung (B!)*P, dengan B tidak terlalu besar. (B!)*P dapat dihitung secara efisien dengan menghitung terlebih dahulu 2*P, setelah itu 3*(2*P), kemudian 4*(3*(2*P)), dst. Pada saat proses ini berlangsung, salah satu dari dua hal akan terjadi:

  • Titik yang tidak dapat dicari inverse modulonya ditemukan, hal ini berarti gcd(v, n) != 1 untuk suatu v. Pada kasus ini gcd(v, n) bisa saja sama dengan n, dalam kasus itu kita hanya perlu ulang dari awal lagi. Akan tetapi jika bukan n maka kita telah menemukan salah satu faktor.
  • Semua titik berhasil dicari inverse modulonya, maka kita ulang lagi saja dari awal dengan kurva acak yang baru.

Ya begitu aja sih. Lumayan simpel, jadi dibawah ini kodingan dalam python. Pada kodingan tersebut terdapat suatu semiprime yang terdiri dari 2 prima 64-bit. Kodingan saya memerlukan sekitar 1 menit untuk faktorisasinya.



import random
import sys
import time
import math

from Crypto.Util.number import isPrime

class EllipticCurveFiniteField:
    def __init__(self, x0, y0, a, n):
        self.a = a
        self.b = y0**2 - x0**3 - a*x0
        self.n = n
        self.O = "Origin"
    def isValidPoint(self, x, y) -> bool:
        return (y**2 % self.n) == (x**3 + self.a*x + self.b) % self.n
    def __eq__(self, other):
        return self.a == other.a and self.b == other.b and self.n == other.n
    def __str__(self):
        return f'y**2 = x**3 + {self.a}*x + {self.b} (mod {self.n})'

class EllipticCurvePoint:

    def __init__(self, curve, x, y):
        self.curve = curve
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        assert curve.isValidPoint(x, y), "Point is not on curve"
    def __eq__(self, other):
        return self.curve == other.curve and self.x == other.x and self.y == other.y

    def __add__(self, other):
        assert self.curve == other.curve
        # Assume self and other is P and Q, result is R
        # Algorithm:
        if(self == other):
            divisor = inverse_mod(2*self.y, self.curve.n)
            s = (3*self.x**2 + self.curve.a) * divisor % self.curve.n
            divisor = inverse_mod(self.x - other.x, self.curve.n)
            s = (self.y - other.y) * divisor % self.curve.n
        xR = (s**2 - self.x - other.x) % self.curve.n
        yR = (s*(self.x- xR) - self.y) % self.curve.n
        return EllipticCurvePoint(self.curve, xR, yR)

    def __mul__(self, k):
        assert k >= 0
        if(k == 0):
            return self.curve.origin
        base = EllipticCurvePoint(self.curve, self.x, self.y)
        res = EllipticCurvePoint(self.curve, self.x, self.y)
        while(not k & 1):
            res += res
            base += base
            k >>= 1
        k >>= 1
        base = base + base
        while(k > 0):
            if(k & 1):
                res += base
            base += base
            k >>= 1
        return res

    def __rmul__(self, k):
        return self.__mul__(k)

    def __str__(self):
        return f"({self.x}, {self.y}) on curve {self.curve}"

def gcd(a, b):
    '''Get GCD of a and b'''
    if(b == 0):
        return a
    return gcd(b, a % b)

def egcd(a, b):
    if(b == 0):
        return a, 1, 0
    temp_gcd, temp_x, temp_y = egcd(b, a % b)

    y = temp_x - (a // b)*temp_y
    x = temp_y

    return temp_gcd, x, y

def inverse_mod(a, n):
    '''Get Multiplicative modular inverse of a mod n'''
    if gcd(a, n) != 1:
        raise NoModularInverse(gcd(a, n))

    _gcd, x, _y = egcd(a, n)

    return x % n

def generate_random_point_and_curve(n):
    a = random.randint(1, n)
    x0 = random.randint(1, n)
    y0 = random.randint(1, n)
    curve = EllipticCurveFiniteField(x0, y0, a, n)
    point = EllipticCurvePoint(curve, x0, y0)
    return point, curve

class NoModularInverse(Exception):

to_factor = 142207032646172885627320863923329208329
cnt = 1
curve_count = 1
factor_list = []
B = 2000
start_time = time.time()
while True:
    point, curve = generate_random_point_and_curve(to_factor)
    print(f"curve count: {curve_count}")
    curve_count += 1
    for i in range(1, B+1):
            point = i * point
        except NoModularInverse as e:
            factor = int(str(e))
            if(gcd(factor, to_factor) != to_factor):
                print(f"Factor {cnt}: {factor}")
                cnt += 1
                to_factor //= int(str(e))
print(f"Last Factor: {to_factor}")

print(f"All Factors: {factor_list}")
print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time))